Icon Glossary

An explanation of the different icons used in this module.


Easy Difficulty Medium Difficulty Hard Difficulty These icons indicate the approximate difficulty of the topic or exercise relative to the expected progress through the module. A topic intended for week 10 marked as 'easy' would be hard or worse if attempted in week 3.


Exercise Indicates that this element is or predominantly includes an exercise for you to carry out.

Good Practice

Good Practice This icon shows that the topic is or contains useful tips on good practice that has long term benefits such as ease of use or maintainability. These practices have usually been developed over years of work in real world settings and therefore represent a lot of experience.


Input Topics marked with this icon highlight the methods of input, getting data from your user in order to process it. How to manipulate, verify and prepare that input for use also falls under this topic area.


Iteration Topics marked with this icon highlight the basic concept of iteration where some code in your program is executed repeatedly, either a fixed or calculated number of times, or until some condition is met.

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcome One Learning Outcome Two Learning Outcome Three These icons are used to show that the topic or exercise is most relevant to particular learning outcome(s).
Learning Outcome Four Learning Outcome Five Learning Outcome Six

Object Orientation

Object Orientation These topics relate strongly to object orientation.


Selection Topics marked with this icon highlight the basic concept of selection. Selection allows one set of code to be selected to run, or not, depending on a condition. Frequently, this occurs in an either/or situation, where if one set of code is not selected to run, another set of code runs instead.


Sequence Topics marked with this icon highlight the basic concept of sequence of execution, where the order of lines of code in your program is the order in which they will be run by the computer.


Video Indicates that this element is or predominantly includes video example material that you can work through at your own pace.


Walkthrough Indicates that this element is or predominantly includes written instructions walking you through the problem or example.