Practical Exercises


Each exercise, walkthrough and video in this module is part of your overall journey from potentially having never written a line of code before, to being able to program well and pass the final module assignment. This process will take practice, time and effort and you can see how you are doing, and where you are going, using the map below.

Map Image
(credit for SVG version of the Map goes to Rui Almeida -SID 1646818- /

Each stop along the lines in the map is an exercise, walkthrough or video tutorial. Understanding each of those exercises is important before you proceed along the line to the next, and ultimately to the final assessment.

You should start at Hello World and proceed from there.

Each exercise has a summary and links at the top, followed by a Task, and some Questions. You have not completed the exercise until you have done the task and answered the questions, but your Lab Tutor will be on hand to help guide you if you need it.