Multiple Choice Question

Line: Input Line
Medium Difficulty Learning Outcome One Learning Outcome Three Learning Outcome Four Exercise
Type: Exercise
You should have completed:

Console Menu

This topic leads to:

Arithmetic Mean


One of the best ways to reflect upon and improve your understanding of a subject is to create a test of someone elses knowledge. In the process you hone your own knowledge by double-checking the facts, making sure you are correct through experiment and research. You also need to be able to explain why an answer is wrong (or right).


  1. Write a multiple choice question on a topic covered so far in the module. The following criteria must be satisfied.
    1. There must be 3 or 4 options for the answer
    2. The correct answer must not be immediately obvious
    3. There must be at least one 'wrong' answer
  2. Write a sentence or two of feedback for each of the wrong answers explaining why they are not correct.
  3. If there are several correct answers and one is the 'best' answer, also write feedback for these answers.
  4. Create a new Console project and implement this multiple-choice question so that a user may answer it and receive feedback.