Paper Problem

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Hard Difficulty Input Sequence Selection Learning Outcome One Learning Outcome Three Exercise
Type: Exercise
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One of the jobs that Joe Roberts has been given at work is to order special paper for a report for a board meeting. The paper comes in reams of 500 sheets. He always makes 5 more copies than the number of people that will be there. Joe wants to know how many reams of paper he needs for a meeting. He can order only whole, not partial, reams. Assume the required number of pages will not equal an exact number of reams. Test you solution with the following data:


  1. Create a program to solve this problem.
  2. Test this problem with the following data: The report is 140 pages long, there will be 25 people at the meeting.
  3. Assuming that the printer is old and inefficient, modify the program to calculate how many toner cartridges are also required if each one lasts 1200 pages.
  4. Modify the program to calculate the total purchase cost, taking the cost per ream and per cartridge as user input.
  5. The local print store offers a 10% discount on bulk purchases of 5 or more reams of paper. It offers the same discount on toner cartridges, but the two offers cannot be combined (i.e. you do not get a discount on 3 reams and 2 cartridges). Modify the program to automatically account for this discount - it should also inform the user when a discount has been included.