Record Sales

Line: Method Line, Array Line, Loopy Line
Medium Difficulty Arrays Methods Learning Outcome One Learning Outcome Three Video
Type: Video
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Monthly Calendar

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White Box

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Tom Dick and Harry

Hello World of Windows

Data Copier


A record shop needs a program to store the sales numbers of different albums. The software needs only to cope with the Top 20 list. The user needs to be able to add a new album, entering name and number sold, or edit the number of sales of an existing album. The user also needs to be able to list all the albums and their sales out. The user prefers a text only (console) application.

This is a four part walkthrough of the solution to this problem recorded a while ago using different software, the C# program developed would be unchanged, however, in a Visual Studio project.


  1. Watch the videos
    1. The Menu
    2. Data and Methods
    3. Adding Entries
    4. Editing Entries
  2. Recreate the program yourself and test it