Business Card

Line: Intro Line
Medium Difficulty Sequence Learning Outcome One Exercise
Type: Exercise
You should have completed: Welcome Message This topic leads to: Getting Numbers


You will write a simple electronic business card application. It will ask the user for details and then print them to the screen.


  1. Create a new console application
  2. Write code to ask the user for their:
    1. Name
    2. Telephone number (Hint: you can treat this as a string for now)
    3. Who they work for/study with
  3. Write further code that prints out (using Console.WriteLine) in the following order
    1. Who they work for
    2. Their name
    3. Their telephone number


  1. How would you modify this code to also show the user's date of birth and age?
  2. How would you modify this code to display your 'business card' every time it is run, without asking the user for input?