Welcome Message

Line: Intro Line
Easy Sequence Learning Outcome One Walkthrough
Type: Walkthrough
You should have completed: Counting Up This topic leads to: Business Card


Any program takes input, processes it, and produces output. This exercise demonstrates the process in a very simple form, taking input from the user, creating a new message using that input, and then outputting it to the user


  1. Start Visual Studio
  2. Create a new console application
  3. Now type the following into the Program.cs file
    Code Snippet
  1. Once you can compile this code, run it. Type in your name when asked, and see if you can spot the error.
  2. This is an example of code which compiles just fine, but still has a 'bug' in it. In this case, there are spaces missing in one of the messages.

  3. Now edit your code to make the program display the message correctly.


  1. How would you modify this program to also ask the user which course they were on?
  2. Having done so, how would you modify the program to print a welcome to that course, at Anglia Ruskin?